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Hands together for how long?

Will faith and religion become obsolete?

Faith is a strong word. We all have a constructed set of beliefs and follow them to varying degrees. You wouldn’t be human if you were to deny that. Our way of life is often encompassed by a nonmaterial system. Everything ranging from our society to education, career, entertainment, and just simply being — all of it is clad within this formless system. A blind faith every human follows consciously or not.

The fact is easy, just ask yourself ‘why do we exist?’, there isn’t ever a definitive answer.

We just exist and that’s all. Our actions have consequences observable only among us, and whatever be those actions, the creator of it and the receiver of its effects, both are bound to perish. We can just as well do whatever we please if the one who will suffer our action and us too will expire someday. Our actions seem inconsequential in the long run. After all, we did recover from such heinous acts of crimes and war throughout history. There always are reformations -and things reset.

All this thought brings us to the question of the need for ethics and harmonious existence. Why not purge when you can?

This is a funny argument you see…

If we can do whatever, why chose the one with all the chaos. Why chose the hardest one to live in? You can argue with the fact that it is the least resistance path and all of us have an inherent urge to choose the path of least resistance. Think about the numerous times you felt lazy or unmotivated, chances are those moments are overwhelmingly more frequent than those of sheer willpower. However good and accurate this notion may be, it is ignorant of the fact that we as humans are in a constant battle against the rising entropy. We seek peace and constancy in life. We want to have control over our lives and actions.

And here is the endless dilemma of our existence. We want to counteract the ever-increasing entropy and chaos even when our intrinsic instinct is to choose the path of least restrain even if it is patently not the most fruitful path.

We balance on the fulcrum of an ever swaying balance scale.

This is where faith comes to play, it provides us an outlet to let go and let be. It is a coping mechanism, something to ease our minds into the fact we just can’t have a hold over everything. Having set a belief our life is predetermined brings about a delusional calm, it digs up hope that things aren’t going to be this bad, good things are in line. It helps us shift our control to a wiser more capable being, creates a sense that if it isn’t me who is in charge, someone or something greater is.

Faith brings together communities; it helps millions to integrate into society. It provides a common ground to confederate people with vastly different views and lives. It is the sole foundation of human society; it is our source of unity.

It sets up moral conduct and way of life, it structures the backbone for the amicable co-existence of millions worldwide. Faith plays as the last resort for hope and the first push for a new start. The human species have always been and will forever be driven by faith. For faith is the manifestation of power in numbers. For faith is the amplified hum of human minds. For faith is the bedrock of thought.

Faith will forever be on a dynamic journey, it will take up several contrasting meanings and interpretations. It will get projected onto and off of physical entities or life forms. But it will always exist as the shadows of our beginnings and the glare of our future.

Our hands will be together in prayer and hope for eternally long. The connotation will conform to the reforming society but the essence of it will be a constant throughout human evolution.

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