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Shortcuts Are Ruining Your Life

Here’s how to stop that from happening

“Need instant energy? Drink some coffee.”

“Need 10K followers? Join our engagement group now.”

Shortcuts are everywhere.

From as silly as asking Siri to switch on the lights to drinking the packaged juice even when you have healthier options available, you can find them in every phase of life.

And the most unfortunate part is that these are spreading like wildfires.

We would rather have instant benefits than long term gains.

We would rather look at the shorter picture, than focus on the bigger one.

And I’m not saying that you’re the only one looking for shortcuts. I have an equal share in this deed.

I remember when I was in the Military School, we were supposed to run 5kms every day during the Cross Country practice.

The route passed through several valleys and hills and there were shortcuts you could take to reduce the distance by as much as 500 metres.

During the first year, I took almost all of the shortcuts when the seniors weren’t watching.

What happened? Nothing meaningful. On the final day, I was the 51st person to cross the line out of 80 people.

I was hurt due to my bad performance because I had always been a good runner.

Fast forward to the next year, I hardly took any shortcuts and came out to be the 14th person crossing the line on the final day.

I was the hero of my block that day. Or at least of my own story LOL.

And I’m not saying it just for the sake of saying it.

If you drink packaged juice on a frequent basis, then you’d never want to go through the hassle of turning the juicer on and extracting the fresh juice yourself.

Why? Because you’ve become habituated to that.

Think about the things you do right after waking up. Brushing your teeth, and going to the gym can be counted as habits.

But the real problem arises when you become habituated to the shortcuts.

Because then you not only become habituated to the end results, but you also start looking for shortcuts in every phase of life.

And the worst part….

Habits often lead to addiction — which, of course, never goes well. (Unless it’s a good kind of addiction.

When you get addicted to something, you don’t just want to have it, but you also start craving it.

Hold on…. hold on….

I’m not saying that it’s like being addicted to drugs, but it’s more on the surface kind of addiction.

The kind of addiction where you want something not because you need it to be alive, but because you’d enjoy the presence of it.

Being addicted to shortcuts is just like that. You enjoy it because you don’t have to take the longer route.

If you’d need 5000 followers on Twitter tomorrow, then you wouldn’t create good content, but you’ll start looking for scammy websites to do the bad work because you need fast results.

Now I don’t need to tell you how bad is that in the long run.

Enough about taking shortcuts now.

Let’s focus on how to put breaks to that attitude.

Don’t focus on short term gains. Focus on long term value.

Think about how getting somewhere faster will stop you from learning the nooks and hooks of a strategy.

Think about the experience you’d miss out on if you follow the shorter path.

2. Say no to instant gratification

When you usually look for shortcuts, you’re usually blinded by instant gratification.

Think about how you’re being fooled either by the big brands or your mind itself.

Remember that instant gratification is one of the main reasons why people suffer from obesity these days.

3. Take control of your mind

Stop letting your mind & others fool you.

Whenever someone promises you hard-to-believe things, whether it’s a website or a person, seek help from your gut instinct.

If someone says I’ll help you gain 10K followers on Instagram in 10 days, then you know it pretty well that you’re being fooled.

Not only that, sometimes your mind fools you into taking the shorter route.

Take control of your mind by meditating every day so you can gain more clarity over things.

Saying no to shortcuts is a learning curve. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be achieved.

Anything can be achieved with sheer focus on long term gains and by gaining power over your mind.

I also wrote something about success last week. I hope you’ll find it helpful.

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